Services to Private Residences, Retirement Homes and Independent Living

Home Care-Brenda

Requisition Form for Retirement Homes, Independent Living and Home Care:

Covered by the HCCSS...

Covered under MOH-IHF Program...


Waterloo Wellington Hospice Care 2


Sinai Health - Temmy Latner Centre

We are fully licensed by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to provide mobile x- ray and ultrasound services to patients in their homes or in Palliative Care Centres with the approval of a home care program (HCCSS - Home and Community Care Support Services, formerly LHIN) or through the Ministry of Health’s Independent funding program. Our personalized service, utilization of the most advanced equipment and our professional staff make StL Diagnostic Imaging the premier mobile imaging service in Canada.

The residence must have wheelchair access or a maximum of two/three steps to accommodate the x-ray machine. In some instances, even two steps can be too high given the weight of transporting our equipment.  The ultrasound machines are more transportable and can accommodate most residences.

The x-rays obtained allow us to assess for abnormalities in the chest, abdomen, bones or other areas imaged. Any general radiograph can be provided.

The ultrasound examinations are able to assess for deep vein thrombosis, look for pathology in the abdomen and pelvis and assess the status of the arteries. We perform all general and vascular ultrasound examinations.

Our reports are dictated using state-of-the-art voice recognition software and are sent directly from the reporting radiologist to our fax server.  This alleviates the wait time between dictation and receipt of report omitting the need for transcription and/or editing.   Significant positive findings are telephoned to the nursing station and typed reports are sent by fax. Most of our reports are sent within 24 hours and requests for urgent reports are sent the same day.

How do we arrange a home visit?

The answer depends on whether the patient is receiving HCCSS services.

If Yes...

If the patient is an active patient receiving HCCSS services (professional services), please just check that off on the top of the requisition and fax that to our office.  Upon receipt, we will call the HCCSS Co-ordinator in your area to confirm.  This questionnaire regarding parking, entrance into the residence, etc. will help expedite service.

If No...

If the resident is not an active patient receiving services through HCCSS, no problem.  The referring practitioner would simply have to fill out the Ministry of Health Approval Form and fax the form to the Ministry of Health office in Kingston.  Once dated and signed, the MOH will fax back the form to the Referring practitioner and then the form and the requisition can be faxed back to our office.  This questionnaire regarding parking, entrance into the residence, etc. will help expedite service.



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AdvantAGE Ontario

 Ontario Association of Radiology Managers - OARM

Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences - OAMRS

College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario - CMRTO

Independent Diagnostic CLinics Association - IDCA