X-ray and Ultrasound Clinic


Clinic Services

StL Diagnostic Imaging provides state of the art Ultrasound and X-ray Services. We are committed to providing optimum service in a friendly, patient-oriented, modern and fully digital environment.

Our experienced professional staff use equipment of the highest quality in order to provide imaging with superior results.


Burlington Clinic

3155 Harvester Road Burlington

Our main clinic is located in the Burlington Medical Professional Centre at 3155 Harvester Road, Suite 310 in Burlington Ontario.

This modern Medical building is conveniently located on a public transit route, plenty of parking and is wheelchair accessible. This building also includes laboratory and pharmacy as well as general practitioners and specialty offices.

Our Burlington Clinic offers both X-Ray and Ultrasound services.





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AdvantAGE Ontario

 Ontario Association of Radiology Managers - OARM

Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences - OAMRS

College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario - CMRTO

Independent Diagnostic CLinics Association - IDCA